Grant & Aid

The financial commitment and sacrifice families undertake in deciding to send their children to a Catholic school is understood and appreciated. Although paying for education is first and foremost the responsibility of a family, each school, parish and the Archdiocese of Baltimore devote significant funds each year to financial aid programs that help assist families. In turn, our school communities benefit by attracting students that otherwise would not be able to attend our schools.


FACTS is the tuition management and grant and aid platform used by the schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. All families are asked to create an account with FACTS to manage their tuition payments. The grant and aid application is housed on the same platform for every school, parish, and the Archdiocese of Baltimore assistance. Therefore, a family need apply only once for possible support from these various sources. More information about FACTS can be found here.

The Knott Scholarships for Grades 4 & 8

The Knott Scholarship Funds have been providing merit based, full-tuition scholarships for academically talented Catholic elementary and secondary school students for 41 years. Awarded in the 4th grade for grades 5 through 8, or 8th grade for grades 9 through 12, scholarships are awarded to Catholic students in the Archdiocese of Baltimore who wish to attend a Catholic school. Applications are available beginning in January and are due in March for awards for the following year.  For more information, please visit  

Knott College Scholarships are also available for the three Catholic universities in Maryland.  Please visit our website for more information 

Los Fondos de Becas Knott han estado brindando becas de matrícula completa basadas en el mérito para estudiantes de escuelas primarias y secundarias católicas con talento académico durante 41 años. Las becas, que se otorgan en cuarto grado para los grados 5 a 8, o en 8.° grado para los grados 9 a 12, se otorgan a estudiantes católicos de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore que deseen asistir a una escuela católica. Las solicitudes están disponibles a partir de enero y deben entregarse en marzo para los premios del año siguiente. Para obtener más información, visite  

Las becas Knott College también están disponibles para las tres universidades católicas de Maryland. Visite nuestro sitio web para obtener más información  

The Theresa F. Truschel Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Established in 2007 to provide scholarships to students attending Catholic schools at all levels, as well as to provide grants to Catholic institutions and organizations which are helping those in need who require temporary financial assistance to support themselves and their families. Each year the Trustees authorize the amount that the Board will distribute for the upcoming school year. That amount will be announced each April along with other guidelines. For more information, visit or write:

The Theresa F. Truschel Charitable Foundation, Inc.

P.O. Box 19142

Baltimore, MD 21284

Phone: 410-494-4463
Fax: 410-494-4492

The Daniel Rudd Scholarship Fund

The Daniel Rudd Scholarship Fund is administered by the Office and Board of African American Catholic Ministries in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The scholarship, named after the founder of the National Black Catholic Congress, is open to low income Catholic students currently residing in the metropolitan area of Baltimore and enrolled in a Catholic elementary or high school within the Archdiocese of Baltimore.  For more information email [email protected].

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholars Program

The Foundation’s Young Scholars Program is designed to nurture exceptional students who have demonstrated, through academic excellence and extracurricular activities, that they have the potential to excel. Students apply for the program in 7th grade, enter the program in 8th grade, and continue through high school. Applications are typically due in mid-April. For more information and to apply online, visit