Seeking Anniversary Year Alumni

As we all experience shifts in our normal routines, the strength of connection is incredibly important.  Connections, personal, professional, and with the greater community, are the source of joy, fulfillment, and friendship for all of us in the current moment.

Monsignor Slade Catholic School hopes to draw a renewed strength of spirit by connecting with those who have been part of our past.

If you are a graduate, or the family of a graduate, from the following classes, please connect with us.  We we would like to highlight the successes that germinated at your grade school, the lasting friendships you formed as students and parents, and the life lessons learned.

Connect with us via our alumni update form.  We hope to feature you or your family over the 2020 - 2021 academic year and potentially host a few virtual reunions!

Graduating Classes Celebrating Anniversaries

Class of 1961: 60 years

Class of 1971: 50 years

Class of 1981: 40 years

Class of 1991: 30 years

Class of 2001: 20 years

Class of 2011: 10 years